Finally this Blog Using Custom Domain

It wasn't planned before. I just typed and voila it was available to be claimed!!! Very excited. I immediately claimed it and tadaaaa now this domain is mine. Hope this will be a good moment for the other future moments. Amien.

Now you guys can get this blog by typing on address bar of your browser.

Smile :)


  1. bayar piro wan, setahun pake domain id :(
    aku ngiler

    1. 550rb IDR. Tahun pertama diskon 50% dadi 275rb.

      Nek domain liyane, malah ono sing luweh murah gak nganti 100ewu.

    2. tapi aku pengen .id fase pertama. dudu sing turunan.
      nek sing turunan malah ono sing hratis

    3. Yo dikuatno duit e sing tuku nek ngono. Wahaha.
      Iyo krungu2 sing turunan digratisno, malah jare entuk hosting gratis pisan.
      Mbuh bener opo ora, aku yo gak ngecek.


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